What do I think of Facebook?
I think Facebook is a really neat tool/toy! The idea of being able to make easy contact with people we might not otherwise have much opportunity to connect with is obviously very popular. And I can see how even people who are in fairly regular contact (in the real world) can also appreciate the immediate opportunity to share such things as photos, updates and causes. Something that seems kind of strange/wierd/unneccessary is what looks to me like a perceived need to update your status about every little thing. (I'm referring to the frequent appearance of statements like 'is bored', 'has a wicked headache', etc.)
Do I have concerns about social networking?
I do have some concerns; especially as a mom. I know that kids especially can be rather free with their personal information, and I have reservations about who might find easy access to this info and what they might choose to do with it.
I guess my other big concern has to do with the incredibly social nature of Facebook. My concern is basically two-fold. One: That I may end up spending way too much time (and end up begrudging that time). Two: That I may never spend time on it and ultimately look like a snob.
Will I continue to use facebook after the Betty Blogger program?
That is a big question. (To snob or not to snob?)
The real answer is that now that I have been spotted on Facebook, my extended family will probably provide sufficient peer pressure for me to have to visit at least periodically.