Thursday, August 20, 2009

Task #6: Productivity Tools

Roast Beef - sometimes it pays to know the secrets behind the preparation
When Suzie was newly married she decided she wanted to invite her in-laws over and make a fancy roast dinner for them. So, she called her mother to ask how to cook a roast of beef.

Her mom's directions were simple: cut the narrow end off of the roast, place the roast in the roast pan and bake it in the oven.

Suzy dutifully cut and cooked the roast as her mom had instructed and the dinner turned out great. But, feeling bad about wasting the end of the roast she called her mom the next day to ask why she had to cut the end off. Her mom's answer left a little to be desired; "I don't know. That's just how my mom always did it."

Not one to just give in when it comes to being frugal, Suzy phoned her grandmother and asked her why she would cut off the end of a roast prior to cooking.

Grama's answer was a very sensible one - "Because my roasting pan was quite small and that's the only way most roasts would fit!"
